Donate to the Hearing Dog Program
Your tax deductable donations allow us to continue our work transforming
the lives of people and dogs. Please help us by donating today.
Donate Online
For donations of $1,000.00 or less, you may donate online through our PayPal account. Clicking on the link below will take you to our donation page on PayPal. Once you have donated, you will be returned to this page.
Donate by Mail
We are always happy to accept donations by check through the mail. Checks should be made out to The Hearing Dog Program and sent to:
The Hearing Dog Program
2912 Diamond Street Suite 221
San Francisco, CA 94131
If you plan to make a major donation of more than $1,000.00, we prefer that you contact us first at
Donate Your Car
Donate cars, trucks, boats, RVs, motorcycles, running or non-running to The Hearing Dog Program. You get a tax credit for a your charitable donation and the satisfaction of knowing that your old car, truck, RV, boat or motorcycle has turned into much-needed help to support The Hearing Dog Program.
Donate by cleaning your closets or shopping!
Community Thrift donates the proceeds from items that you bring to their store or when you purchase items marked with the HDP ID number. When you drop off your goods, tell them the HDP ID number, #91, and proceeds from the sale will be donated to the Hearing Dog Program.
Community Thrift
623 Valencia St.
San Francisco, CA 94110
How Your Donation Will Help
Every donation, no matter how much, helps The Hearing Dog Program train our wonderful dogs and match them with people with hearing loss or other disabilities.
Funds are primarily used for food, vet, shelter, and training costs for our Hearing Dogs and continuing training once matched with their person.