The original Hearing Dog Program was founded by Ralph Dennard at the San Francisco SPCA. It was the third such program in the nation. After almost 30 successful years and over 850 Hearing Dogs placed, the program left the SF/SPCA and became an independent California non-profit.
Former staff, volunteers and clients formed the new Hearing Dog Program in 2008 with a renewed dedication to our mission of Improving independence and quality of life through highly trained Hearing Dogs.

Shelter & Rescue Dogs
Over 95% of the dogs selected as Hearing Dog candidates have been shelter and rescue dogs. These dogs deserve a second chance for a new life – a life of love and service helping people with disabilities.
People with hearing loss have had their lives dramatically changed and even saved by our wonderful dogs. As you read our many Testimonials, it’s easy to feel the love and devotion between our dogs and their people.
Multiple Disabilities
Although training Hearing Dogs will always be our core mission, we also place dogs to assist people with other disabilities. We successfully placed a Guide/Hearing “dual dog,” for example, to assist a man who is both blind and deaf. Other dogs have been trained to alert to sounds and provide mobility or medical assistance.